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Academic research


Selected publications


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2023. 解析皮埃尔.布克迪厄《实践理论大纲》。 上海外语教育出版社。ISBN 972-7-4446-6476-1


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2020. 解析贾雷德·M.戴蒙德《大崩溃:社会如何选择兴亡》。 上海外语教育出版社。 ISBN 978-7-5446-6479-0

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2019. I Kwara'ae di Honiara: Migrazione e Buona Vita alle Isole Salomone. Milano: Meltemi. ISBN 978-8-883538-45-2 

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2018. Pierre Bourdieu’s Outline of a Theory of Practice. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-912303-93-9

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2016. Jared Diamond's Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-912128-68-6

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2016. Karen Ho's Liquidated: Ethnography of Wall Street. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-912128-06-8

Maggio, Rodolfo. (forthcoming). Marshall Sahlins' Stone Age Economics. London: Routledge. (ISBN TBC)



Maggio, Rodolfo. 2023. “I’m sorry, but that’s bribery” A Decolonial Perspective from which to study Moral Economies in the “Chinese Pacific”.    


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2023. “this is not culture” / “yes, it is”: Conceptualising Kiribati as an Interstitial Island in the Chinese Pacific. Political Geography 104: 102907.


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2022. “Hom and Honiara: Interpreting, importing, and adapting “home” in Solomon Islands.” The Australian Journal of Anthropology 33, no. 2 (2022): 101-116. 

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2021. A antropologia da contação de histórias e a contação de histórias da antropologia. Entre Textos e Leituras. Artigos Traduzidos – No 14: 1-15.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2021. Examining Objects within Webs of Kinship using Circulation Analysis. Sage Research Methods Datasets. London: SAGE.
2021. Symbolic Analysis of the (so-called) Shell Money. Sage Research Methods Datasets. London: SAGE.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2020. Japanese ethnographers of the Pacific: beyond the deconstruction of cargo cults. Dada Rivista di Antropologia post-globale 2020(1), 7-28.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2019. Japanese ethnographies of the Pacific: language, politics, and perspective. Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies 7(2), Special Issue on Language and Translation.


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2019. “They’ve always been good mothers”: an ethnographic study of early childhood intervention in Dublin. World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2019.1654778


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2019. Challenging the challenge: The Ethics of Early Intervention. Narrare i gruppi. 14(1): 79-102.


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2018. Thematic analysis of stories of parents’ engagement with early intervention services. in Sage Research Methods Datasets. London: SAGE. DOI: 10.4135/9781526491428

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2018. Experimental ethnographies of early intervention: a new 'gold standard'? Narrare i gruppi. 13(2): 275-298.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2018. Kwate’a from Town: Gifts of Food as Home-Making Practices in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Dada Rivista di Antropologia post-globale 2018 (2), 97-124.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2017. “Sikret Fren”: economic costs and moral values in a friendship ritual in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Journal de la Société des Océanistes 144-145, Dossier Urbanisation en Mélanésie: 77-90. DOI: 10.4000/jso.7796

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2017. The moral economy of early intervention: mothers, children, and the impact of austerity on perinatal mental health. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 4(3): 53–74; DOI: 10.17157/mat.4.3.465 .

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2017. Relative Customers: Demand-Sharing, Kinship and Selling in S.I. Research in Economic Anthropology 37.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2017. “Big Confusion”: The Land Question in Honiara and the History of Land Policy in Solomon Islands. People and Culture in Oceania 32.

2017. Who wears the jacket?. Short Film Studies 7(2):215-8. DOI: 10.1386/sfs.7.2.215_1

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2016. The ethics of excluding potentially off-putting details from the recruitment materials for perspective research participants. in SAGE Research Methods Cases. London: SAGE. 10.4135/9781526411044

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2016. The unbearable impossibility of fieldwork: ethnographic dilemmas, moral laboratories, and narrative phenomenology. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 8(1): 190-206.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2016. ‘My wife converted me’: Gendered values and gendered conversion in Pentecostal households in Honiara, Solomon Islands. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 27(1): 168-184. DOI: 10.1111/taja.12192  

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2015. Kingdom Tok: Legends and Prophecies in Honiara, Solomon Islands. Oceania. 85: 315–326.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2014. Based on a True Story: Ethnography’s Impact as a Narrative Form. With Jessica Symons (eds.). Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology. 5 (2): 1-6.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2014. The anthropology of storytelling and the storytelling of anthropology. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology 5 (2): 89-106.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2014 “I was at Home!” The Dream of Representation in the Representation of a Dream. The Unfamiliar 4:34-44. DOI:10.2218/unfamiliar.v4i1.1103

Book chapters


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2018. “According to Kastom and According to Law: “Good Life” and ‘Good Death’ in Gilbert Camp, Solomon Islands. in (eds.) Chris Gregory & Jon Altman, The Quest for the Good Life in Precarious Times: Ethnographic Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region. Canberra: ANU Press.


Maggio, Rodolfo. 2016. Pentecostal Churches in Honiara: The charismatic schism [...], in Magowan, F. and Schwarz, C. (eds.) Christianity, Conflict and Renewal in Australia and the Pacific. 59-80, Leiden: Brill.

Book reviews

2022. Review of Grydehøj A. and Su P. 2021. China and the Pursuit of Harmony in World Politics. International Affairs 98:5, 1788-9.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2018. Review of Tides Of Innovation In Oceania: Value, materiality and place. Edited by Elisabetta Gnecchi-Ruscone, Anna Paini. Acton, A.C.T.: ANU Press, 2017. Pacific Affairs 91(1): 208-210.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2017. Review of Bennett, J. and Wanhalla, A. 2016. Review of Mothers’ Darlings Of The South Pacific. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press. Pacific Affairs 90(4): 880-881.

Maggio, Rodolfo. 2014. Review of Tomlinson, Matt. 2014. Ritual Textuality: Pattern and Motion in Performance. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Selected presentations

Invited presentations

“Japanese Ethnographies of the Pacific: New Perspectives on Melanesian Religion and Spirituality.” CESNUR Conference, University of Turin, 06.09.2019.


“Morality, Economy and Narrative Anthropology in Solomon Islands.” Waseda University, Tokyo. 18.07.2019.


“Coping with austerity: parents and early intervention services in Oxford and north-side Dublin.” Making Medicine in Austere Times. MAS-Symposium. University of Bern, Switzerland, 11-13.06.2019


“Imagined futures and collaborative research in the Asia Pacific region.” International Conference on Asia Pacific Ethnology and Anthropology, Yunnan University, Kunming City, China, 20-24.05.2019.


“Japanese Ethnographies of the Pacific: historical, geographical and thematic coordinates” Séminaire de formation à la recherche dans l’aire océanienne, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, 03.04.2019. Rodolfo Maggio.


“The Gender of Gametes: Images of Technologized Bodies in the Age of Gametogenesis” (in Japanese), International Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, 01.02.2019. Rodolfo Maggio.

“The ethics of evaluating early intervention in child development whose ‘gold standard’?”. Ethics and Early Intervention in Mental Health: Promoting Change through Research. University of Oxford, UK. 23.06.2017. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Experimental Ethnographies of Early Intervention: the need for an integrated top-down approach.” Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop. Oaxaca, Mexico. 16-20.01.17. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Introducing MO:EIE: Health and Nutrition, Newton Fund Researcher Links Workshop. Padang, Indonesia. 28-31.08.16. Rodolfo Maggio.


“Different languages in the same language: Challenges and opportunities of working on an Investigator Award”, Wellcome Trust HSS Investigator Award Celebratory Meeting. Wellcome Collection. London, UK. 13.07.2016. Rodolfo Maggio.

““So Much Damn Money”: Sorcery Attacks and Capital Influx in Melanesian Ethnography”, Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern, Lucerne, Switzerland. 18.11.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

“La Substance de la Valeur et la Valeur de la Substance” (in French), Centre de Recherche et Documentation sur l'Océanie (CREDO), Marseille, France. 22.05.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

“The Seven Layers of Confusion on the Issue of Land in Honiara, Solomon Islands”, Institute of East Asian Studies, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. 09.05.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

“The Value of a Dead Relative: Compensation and Rearrangement of Social Relationships in Honiara, Solomon Islands.” Melanesia Research Seminar, British Museum, London, UK. 20.03.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

“My wife converted me”: Gender relations, personhood and value in Pentecostal households in Honiara, Solomon Islands. GenPent Seminar. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. 10.12.2013. Rodolfo Maggio.

Paper presentations

“Japanese Ethnographies of the Pacific: A Focus on Solomon Islands.” EAAA Conference, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea, 29.09.2019.

“Japanese Ethnographies of the Pacific: A Sea of Islands and a World of Anthropologies.” 36th Conference of the Japanese Society for Oceanic Studies, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 26.03.2019. Rodolfo Maggio.


“Mothers & Mentors: Teaching 'Ethical' and 'Natural' Care in a Home Visiting Program”. Biennial Conference of the Society of Psychological Anthropology, New Orleans, US. 11.03.2017. Rodolfo Maggio.

 “Positive Parenting, Moderate Measures: Teaching Motherhood in North Dublin”, Annual Conference of the European Society of Social Anthropology. Bicocca University, Milan, Italy. 20.07.2016. Rodolfo Maggio.

 “Early intervention ethics: the impact of external notions of “good” mothering”, Childhood and Social Mobility Workshop, University of Oxford, UK. 10.06.2016. Rodolfo Maggio.

“The Gender of Gametes: Technologized Bodies in the Age of Gametogenesis”, IUAES Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 07.05.2016. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Ethnographies of Home Visiting: Culture, Context, and Health Outcomes”, IUAES Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 07.05.2016. Rodolfo Maggio.

 “Conducting Ethnographic Research on Domestic Moral Economy in Southern Japan.” Research Centre for the Pacific Islands, Kagoshima University, Japan. 27.04.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Analysis of Attacks: Malevolent Magic and Pre-Existing Conflicts.” Kobe University, Japan. 22.04.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Preliminary reflections on Domestic Moral Economy in Southern Japan”. Okinawa International University. Japan. 15.04.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

“According to kastom and according to law: Wrongdoing in Gilbert Camp.” The Quest for the Good Life: Grassroots perspectives on the value question in the 21st century. University of Manchester, UK. 25.03.2015. Rodolfo Maggio.

 “Hom and Honiara: interpreting, importing, and adapting “home” in Solomon Islands”. Imaginaries of home. ASA Conference 2014, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 19-22.06.2014. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Anthropology of Storytelling”, Panel session, ASA Conference 2014, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 20.06.2014. Rodolfo Maggio.

 “The meaning of compensation in Kwara’ae, Solomon Islands.” APLA Workshop. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, US. 21.11.2013. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Faa'abua on the outskirts of Honiara: analysis of a compensation case from Solomon Islands.” Austronesian Research Seminar, London School of Economics, London, UK. 14.11.2013. Rodolfo Maggio.

“Sikret fren”: economic costs and moral values in a friendship ritual in Honiara, Solomon Islands. The Costs of Culture: Ritual Economics and the Domestic Moral Economy. Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 16.09.2013. Rodolfo Maggio.

“How striking is the photograph?” Representational challenges, anthropological discourse, and a need to wonder. Congress of the IUAES. University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. 5-10.08.2013. Rodolfo Maggio.

“A Song of Love is Not a Love Song: Pentecostal Conversion, Worship, and Emotional Transactions in Honiara, Solomon Islands.” European Society for Oceanists (ESfO). University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. 5-8.12.2012. Rodolfo Maggio.

“The DME: an epistemological perspective (…)”, Domestic Moral Economy: Rethinking Kinship and Economy in Oceania. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. 3-4.9.2012. Rodolfo Maggio.

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